Spiritual Science Fiction - Tales of Inner and Outer Space - Four Down. One to go.
Spiritual Science Fiction
Daniel had four operations prior. Each had required hospital stays of one or two nights.
The surgeries were a double-edged sword. Although he met each operation with as much courage as he could muster, he felt his spirit sap during the recoveries. Over time though, each surgical experience seemed to deepen his faith in the value of life.

He never forgot when his grandmother showed up before the first operation. She had departed this earth long before that nighttime visit. She was the one relative Daniel felt certain had never loved him, let alone liked him. He had discounted her after she had passed. She was not one Daniel would secretly wish to hear from, as we wish to hear from those who made our heart sing when they were alive. When she did visit and showered him with immersive love while he slept, he knew she had initiated the contact. Little did he know what a blessing that this visit would continue to be as it helped his spirituality blossom even further.

Daniel was told by the surgeon that he needed to undergo another procedure, and that a one night minimum stay at the hospital would be required.

Fear took hold of Daniel. Tension gripped his entire body and mind. He trembled silently as a coldness pervaded him.

Not again. I can't do it again.
The weight of the doctor's words was crushing his soul.

The memories of the hospital gown, the intravenous needle and the wheeled gurney. The waking from what seemed a confused dream, the catheter, the discomfort and soreness, the foreignness of the hospital room, and the long recovery. Fear clouded his mind.

I am helpless.

But wait,
he heard. You have survived the stress and the invasions of the body many times before.

He knew that he needed to center himself. He needed to meditate. This would relax him physically and be an opportunity for spiritual connection.

Daniel found his quiet corner at home, free of the sounds from the television and kitchen noises. In the den upstairs with the door closed he could quiet himself. Just a small patch of rug was needed.

Daniel sat with his legs crossed as best he could, his eyes closed, and his arms lay on his knees with each hand upturned and the thumb and forefinger touching.

He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. He did this again, breathing through his mouth. He would have preferred his nose but it was too stuffed up. He concentrated on his breath initially. Random thoughts streamed through his mind and he gently brushed them away as they occurred.

Focus on the breath. Focus on the breath.

After a little while he could hear his body breathing, but he was listening to it as if outside of his body.

He breathed even slower, and deeper. I open myself up to the universe.

There was a peace. A calm expansiveness surrounded him.

A message entered. From where? The inner self, or from above?

"You chose this vehicle as the best choice for the lessons you wished to learn and for the positive actions you wished to share. Know that this vehicle is only temporary. Look to your inner flame which never dies. Look to within to weather and watch the exterior's pains. Do not fear."

Daniel tingled and smiled. Thank you.

Daniel would now carry a little more peace with him into the next operation.


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