Spiritual Science Fiction - Tales of Inner and Outer Space - The Eye
Spiritual Science Fiction
One could imagine she was sitting atop an open grassy hill. Peaceful and pleasant. Warming rays from the sun coming down from directly above. A slight refreshing breeze in the air. Looking up one could see the sunlit blue sky above free of clouds.

She knew the intensity of the world that was at the periphery of this spot, but she was not thinking about that now. She was calm, centered, breathing in and out slowly, and relaxed. She felt her body, her limbs, her shoulders, her fingers, all of it. She heard her heart beat. She was in tune.

The peripheral world was whirling. The pace of life, technologically driven, was spinning faster and faster. All earth life takes many generations to adapt physiologically to changing external conditions, but the humans had not given themselves this time.

The spurring of technology is driven by economics, not altruism. The emotional and psychological impact of new technology upon human beings is only an afterthought after the birth of the invention itself. The impacts to the inner man are stress, feeling overwhelmed, high blood pressure, depression, road rage, migraines, obsessive compulsions, and addictions. Faster and faster information flow with faster response times expected, and the human body and soul is expected to be able to handle it. How can they mitigate it? Starting with the Industrial Revolution 200 years ago, or more the case 50 years ago with the Computer Revolution, humans have not had the time to physiologically adapt.

She was ready to leave the eye. With a last deep breath she ended her meditation. Feeling renewed she roused herself, stood up slowly and stepped into the vortex of the world.


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